June 2023

Victor/Victoria 1982 Full Movie English Subtitles

“Victor/Victoria” is a fast-paced comedic romp that follows the escapades of a struggling singer who finds success by pretending to be a man...

Strangeness 2022 Full Movie English Subtitles

In “Strangeness 2022,” a pandemic has infected the world, turning humans into zombie-like creatures. Survivors must navigate through a bleak...

The Paper Chase 1973 Full Movie English Subtitles

“The Paper Chase 1973” is a coming-of-age story about a law student at Harvard who struggles to keep up with the competitive curriculum. He ...

Wetlands 2013 Full Movie English Subtitles

“Wetlands 2013” is a provocative and surreal German film about a young woman’s unapologetically messy and sexual exploration of her body. Wi...

Boy Erased 2018 Full Movie English Subtitles

“Boy Erased” is a powerful drama about a young man forced to confront his sexuality at a gay conversion therapy camp. With excellent perform...

The Night of the Following Day 1969 Full Movie English Subtitles

A group of kidnappers take a teenage girl for ransom, but things quickly spiral out of control. The movie is fast-paced and suspenseful, wit...

365 Days: This Day 2022 Full Movie English Subtitles

“365 Days: This Day 2022” is a visually striking film that tells the story of a dystopian future where time is currency and people are force...

Dasvi 2022 Full Movie English Subtitles

Dasvi 2022 is a Bollywood political comedy-drama film. The movie revolves around the life of an untitled man named Dasvi, who is a former sc...

Lust for a Vampire 1971 Full Movie English Subtitles

“Lust for a Vampire” is a 1971 horror film about a vampire who seduces men to satisfy her thirst for blood. The film features Gothic imagery...

He Wanted the Moon Full Movie English Subtitles

“He Wanted the Moon” is a biographical drama about a brilliant young Texas doctor named Perry who descends into madness and becomes obsessed...

Excision 2012 Full Movie English Subtitles

Excision is a disturbing and darkly comedic tale about a teenage girl named Pauline who dreams of becoming a surgeon. She is plagued by grue...

Romy and Michele's High School Reunion 1997 Full Movie English Subtitles

“Romy and Michele’s High School Reunion” is a 1997 comedy about two best friends who are “like sisters”, but not too bright. They travel to ...

The Battle of Neretva 1969 Full Movie English Subtitles

“The Battle of Neretva” is a 1969 war film about the fierce fight between the Yugoslav Partisans and German forces to control a strategicall...

Peace, Love & Misunderstanding 2011 Full Movie English Subtitles

A conservative lawyer takes her teenage kids to visit her estranged hippie mother in Woodstock, where they discover the healing power of lov...

Pitch Perfect 3 2017 Full Movie English Subtitles

“Pitch Perfect 3” is a musical-comedy film that follows the a cappella group, the Bellas, on their farewell tour as they compete against oth...

Rampage 2018 Full Movie English Subtitles

“Rampage 2018” is an action-packed film where a genetically-enhanced gorilla, wolf and crocodile wreak havoc on downtown Chicago. Primatolog...