“He Wanted the Moon” is a biographical drama about a brilliant young Texas doctor named Perry who descends into madness and becomes obsessed with capturing the moon. The film follows Perry’s descent into mental illness as he vacillates between lucidity and delusions, ultimately leading him to be committed to a mental institution. With powerful acting and poetic visuals, “He Wanted the Moon” is a haunting exploration of one man’s struggle with his own mind.
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Maya Angelou, the woman who inspired so many with her words and her life, once said: “There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you”. And that is precisely what the movie “He Wanted the Moon” is all about – a story that was hidden from the world for far too long, a story that deserved to be told.
Based on the memoir “He Wanted the Moon: The Madness and Medical Genius of Dr. Perry Baird, and His Daughter’s Quest to Know Him” by Mimi Baird, the movie tells the true story of a brilliant doctor who struggled with bipolar disorder in an era where mental illness was not well understood.
The plot follows Dr. Perry Baird (played by Theo James), a promising young psychiatrist who begins to experience manic episodes that propel him into a world of delusions and paranoia. As he battles his condition and tries to understand it, he develops groundbreaking theories that could revolutionize psychiatry. But at the same time, he becomes increasingly isolated from his family and friends, leading him down a path of self-destruction.
The movie is not only a tribute to Dr. Baird’s accomplishments but also an exploration of how mental illness can affect families for generations. Mimi Baird (played by Dakota Fanning) is determined to uncover her father’s story and understand his illness, which she inherited herself. Through flashbacks and interviews with family members, we see how Perry’s illness affected everyone around him and how they coped with it.
The cast of “He Wanted the Moon” delivers powerful performances that bring this touching story to life. Theo James gives a nuanced portrayal of Dr. Baird that captures both his brilliance and his darkness. Dakota Fanning shines as Mimi, a woman on a mission to uncover her family history while dealing with her own struggles with mental illness.
One of the most poignant quotes in the movie comes from Dr. Baird himself, who says: “I see everything so much clearer when I’m not sane”. It’s a statement that encapsulates the dichotomy of mental illness – the highs and lows, the moments of clarity and confusion.
The film also sheds light on the history of psychiatric treatment in the United States. We see how patients were often institutionalized and subjected to barbaric treatments such as electroshock therapy and lobotomy. Dr. Baird’s innovative theories challenged these methods and paved the way for more humane and effective treatments.
Director Robin Swicord brings a delicate touch to this complex story, balancing the family drama with the medical research elements that make it so compelling. The cinematography by Geoffrey Simpson is stunning, capturing both the beauty of Dr. Baird’s mind and the darkness that threatens to consume him.
Although “He Wanted the Moon” did not receive widespread recognition or accolades, it remains a powerful film that deserves recognition for its honest portrayal of mental illness and its impact on families. It’s a story that needed to be told, one that gives voice to those who have struggled with mental health issues and sheds light on a subject that is often shrouded in secrecy.
In conclusion, “He Wanted the Moon” is a poignant and moving film that explores themes of family, illness, and innovation. With its powerhouse cast, stunning cinematography, and sensitive direction, it is one of those rare films that leaves a lasting impression on its viewers. As Maya Angelou once said: “There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you”. Thanks to this film, Dr. Perry Baird’s story can finally be heard loud and clear.
Technical Data
- Runtime : 0
- Release :
- Genre : Drama
- Cast : Brad Pitt
- Crew : Brad Pitt as Producer, Tony Kushner as Writer, Dede Gardner as Producer, Brian Oliver as Producer, Tyler Thompson as Producer
- Popularity 1.34
- Budget : 0
- Revenue : 0
- Company : Cross Creek Pictures, Plan B Entertainment
- Summary : In the 1920s, Dr. Perry Baird, who was born in Texas and educated at Harvard, begins his career ascent in the field of medicine.
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