“New York Ninja 2021” is a thrilling action movie about a masked vigilante who fights crime. The film follows the ninja as he takes down various criminal organizations in New York City with his deadly martial arts skills and arsenal of weapons. Along the way, he uncovers a conspiracy involving corrupt politicians and law enforcement officials. With intense fight scenes and stunning visuals, “New York Ninja 2021” is an adrenaline-fueled ride that will leave viewers on the edge of their seats.
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In the world of movies, there are certain genres that never lose their appeal. Action movies, for instance, continue to enthrall audiences of all ages and backgrounds with their fast-paced and thrilling storylines. One such movie that has recently caught everyone’s attention is “New York Ninja”.
Directed by Judd Nelson, “New York Ninja” tells the story of a young man who becomes a vigilante to fight crime in the streets of New York City. The movie’s plot is gritty and realistic, as it takes us through the harsh realities of life in the city. But what makes this movie stand out from others in its genre is not just its storyline but also its production history.
“New York Ninja” was originally filmed in the early 1980s by director John Liu but never released due to financial issues. However, decades later, the footage was discovered by Vinegar Syndrome and was restored with the help of a new score by composer William Loose. The result is a stunning piece of cinema that feels both timeless and contemporary.
The cast of “New York Ninja” includes some notable actors such as Linnea Quigley (who plays a member of a gang) and Cynthia Rothrock (who has starred in numerous martial arts films). However, it’s the protagonist played by John Liu himself that steals the show with his convincing portrayal of a vigilante grappling with his own past traumas.
One thing that stands out about “New York Ninja” is its use of practical effects. Unlike many modern action movies that rely heavily on CGI, this movie chooses to use real stunts and fight scenes to create an authentic atmosphere. This approach makes every punch and kick feel more impactful as we see them play out on screen without any obvious edits or digital enhancements.
The sound design of “New York Ninja” is also worth praising as it perfectly complements the visual elements of the movie. The score composed by William Loose is reminiscent of classic 80s action movies. It’s bold, brassy and helps to elevate the intensity of the fight scenes.
One of the standout scenes in “New York Ninja” takes place in a subway station where our protagonist faces off against a group of thugs. The scene is filmed with precision and makes great use of the location to build tension and create drama. The fight choreography feels organic and visceral, leaving no doubt that John Liu was once a professional martial artist.
Another impressive aspect of “New York Ninja” is its cinematography. The camera work is fluid and dynamic, moving with the action and capturing every moment with clarity. There are also some creative camera angles used throughout the movie that add visual interest and excitement to each scene.
While “New York Ninja” has received critical acclaim from many fans and critics alike, there are still some who have criticized aspects of the movie such as its pacing which can feel slow at times. However, it’s important to note that this movie was made in a different era with different expectations from audiences.
In conclusion, “New York Ninja” is a must-see for fans of action movies who appreciate practical effects, strong characters, and gripping storylines. It’s a testament to the dedication of those involved in its restoration that we can finally witness this gem more than three decades after it was originally made. As Judd Nelson said himself about the making of this film: “It’s like finding treasure.”
Technical Data
- Runtime : 92
- Release : 2021-10-02
- Genre : Action, Crime
- Cast : John Liu as John Liu / The Ninja, Don Wilson as John Liu / The Ninja (voice), Adrienne Meltzer as Randi Rydell, Linnea Quigley as Randi Rydell (voice), Vince Murdocco as Jack “The Cameraman” (voice)
- Crew : John Liu as Director, John Liu as Writer, John Liu as Martial Arts Choreographer, Aaron Kleinman as Director of Photography, Arthur Schweitzer as Writer
- Popularity 5.537
- Budget : 0
- Revenue : 0
- Company : Vinegar Syndrome
- Summary : After his wife is murdered, a man becomes a ninja to take revenge on her killers across the streets of New York, in this film that was originally abandoned in 1984 until it was discovered and completed by Vinegar Syndrome.
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