“Concrete 2004” is a gritty thriller that follows a former convict as he tries to rebuild his life in the unforgiving world of inner-city Baltimore. Our hero struggles to escape the clutches of his criminal past, but finds himself drawn back into a dangerous underworld filled with violence and deceit. With explosive action and heart-pounding suspense, “Concrete 2004” is a movie that will leave you on the edge of your seat from start to finish.
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Ladies and gentlemen, brace yourselves because we have a film that will leave you at the edge of your seat – Concrete. This heart-wrenching drama is not for the faint-hearted, but it will definitely be worth your while.
The movie is based on a true story that took place in the crack epidemic era of the 1980s in New York City. The plot revolves around a drug-addicted mother, Tina, who’s struggling to survive with her young daughter, Cee Cee. She has to make hard choices to keep them both alive in a world where survival is an accomplishment.
The film stars Yaya DaCosta as Tina and Aisha Hinds as the social worker assigned to help her and her daughter. Their performances are nothing short of phenomenal. They dive headfirst into their characters, bringing them to life with such raw passion that you can’t help but feel every emotion they go through.
One of my favorite quotes from the movie comes from Yaya DaCosta’s character when she says: “I’m not a drug addict trying to be a mom; I’m a mom trying to be sober.” This hit me hard because it speaks volumes about how much mothers are willing to do for their children despite their circumstances.
Concrete has received critical acclaim since its release. It was screened at several international film festivals, including Tribeca and Urbanworld Film Festival. The film has also won awards such as Best Narrative Feature at Urbanworld Film Festival and Best Directorial Debut at SCAD Savannah Film Festival.
Besides its accolades, what really sets Concrete apart is its authenticity and realism. The director, Armando Bo (co-writer of Birdman), did extensive research on real-life cases of mothers struggling with addiction and incorporated those stories into the film’s screenplay.
The cinematography is stunning, capturing both the grittiness and heartbreaking beauty of the city’s streets. The soundtracks compliment the film’s mood perfectly, earning praise for its hauntingly beautiful score.
But it’s not just the main cast that deserves recognition. The supporting actors bring their A-game, adding to the realism of the film. The production crew, makeup artists, and set designers did an excellent job in making everything look believable.
The development of the characters is immaculate. Tina goes from a woman who seems hopeless to one who is fighting tooth and nail for her daughter’s future. The relationship between Cee Cee and her mother is one of pure love, despite the toxic circumstances they find themselves in.
The dialogue is natural, so much so that it feels like you’re eavesdropping on real conversations between real people. It’s effortless and authentic.
The editing adds to the film’s poetic nature as it transitions between scenes seamlessly. It helps create tension where needed and never felt rushed or overly long-drawn-out.
There were moments in this movie where I found myself holding my breath out of sheer anticipation or wiping away tears because of how touching a particular scene was. There might be some criticism towards how heavy-handed certain scenes can be, but these scenes are necessary to drive home the message of the film.
In conclusion, Concrete is an emotional rollercoaster that will leave you feeling grateful for every blessing in your life. It’s not a story that sugarcoats reality or sensationalizes addiction; instead, it sheds light on what life can be like for those who are struggling with addiction and how hope can still thrive even in the darkest moments.
Technical Data
- Runtime : 113
- Release : 2004-02-11
- Genre : Horror, Crime
- Cast : Miki Komori as Misaki / Female high-school student, Katsuya Kobayashi, Masanori Machida, Kensuke Mano, Mika Mifune
- Crew : Hiroshi Kanno as Screenplay, Hiromu Nakamura as Director, Jôji Atsumi as Novel
- Popularity 8.667
- Budget : 0
- Revenue : 0
- Company : Benten Entertainment Inc.
- Summary : A high-school girl is kidnapped by gang lords and held captive for several months. Over this time, she repeatedly beaten, raped, and tortured. On the 25th of November 1988, four youths abducted and held Furuta Junko in the house of one of the captors. Subjected to rape, torture, and humiliation, Junko had no hope of escape as the manhunt was stalled by the captors forcing her to tell her parents that she was ok. For 41 harrowing days, Junko had to endure unimaginable suffering at the hands of these four individuals. Finally, after losing in a game of mahjong solitaire, they beat her with an iron dumbbell and set on fire with lighter fluid. She died later that day from shock. In an attempt to hide their crime they buried her in cement and thus the name ‘Concrete Encased High School Murder Case’ was born as Japan had to confront the horrors of this crime. The perpetrators disposed the drum in a tract of reclaimed land in Koto, Tokyo.
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